Fake Granite Boulder
Size 3’6″ X 3′ X 1′
Number: 001
Price$ 290.00 + TaxColouring: Grey
Weight: 175- 190 lbs
Material Specifications:
- Cement type: Portland type 10
- Sand Bagged Silica Grade 60
- PolyMesh - Non fibrillated and drawn without lubricant
- Paint - water based acrylics and stains
- Sealer - Non toxic, non yellowing, water based acrylic sealer
- 7 days strength is tested at 56 MPA
Construction method specifications:
- Each boulder has been moulded from a real boulder
- P.P.F.R.C. is pnematically applied in 3 layers each being compacted with a perferated roller
- Each casting is given 12 hours to cure before stripping
- Once stripped they are hydrated and given a full 48 hour cure before shippment
001a Faux Granite Boulder - Non Painted - Grey